Winged Roots Healing


Going to the source


Balancing Body/Mind/Spirit, and Methylation Pathways with vitamins, minerals, sound healing, and essential oil programs


Healing Services


My healing work uses kinesiology to reveal imbalances in bodily systems, and methylation pathways. I find connections between a pain and a biochemical process, and determine what will balance and bring relief. This process explores physical/emotional issues and their interconnections.



My model of health and dis-ease is holistic. Clients seeking help with high blood pressure, chronic pain, rheumatoid arthritis usually have a constellation of emotional and physical imbalances and I address the scope of these. In terms of physical issues, I explore what's occurring on the cellular level with methylation pathways and the Kreb's Cycle, using kinesiology or muscle testing to determine imbalances and treating these with vitamins, minerals, essential oils, and other supplements. Emotional roots of illness are uncovered using kinesiology as well, and I use a range of techniques, including sound healing, to release traumas held in the body. I also have extensive experience with homeopathy, and often use remedies to bring balance.

Going to the Source

Both methylation, homeopathy, and emotional roots of distress involve addressing health and other issues at their source. Looking at which methylation pathways are not functioning well, I can assess how your body is detoxing, making serotonin and dopamine, converting the excitatory glutamine into the calm-inducing GABA. I can also see each link in the chain of converting glucose to energy or ATP, and where the blockages occur. This cellular understanding along with treatment that targets and re-balances enzymatic pathways, using vitamins, minerals, and essential oils, goes to the source of issues. 

Much of our response to present day issues are through the lens of early experience. What our parents told us, what we picked up from them, the beliefs and emotions present in our homes, these all have an enormous hold on us, until we begin to understand what they are. My work with kinesiology and emotions uncovers the early experiences that are the root of emotional pain, stuck feelings, running the same patterns in life over and over. Awareness starts to change them. Make an appointment with me and learn more.


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