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Sessions available on Skype and the phone


London, UK and Portland, Oregon

Email Elizabeth at


“Elizabeth is a daughter of the universe, in touch with the natural flow of energy. She is comfortable letting nature’s flow guide the healing work she does. The first time we worked together she went beyond the physical injury to underlying trauma that was exacerbating the physical ailment.  She could see the blockages, mentally and spiritually, that needed to be uncovered and freed. This all happened through Elizabeth’s accepting and non-judgmental nature. She is a healing delight to turn to in times of pain or on a regular basis.”


“Elizabeth’s sessions feel comforting, good. She sees my issues in a deep way and helps me see myself. I have gained so much from our sessions.”


 “I knew nothing about methylation, but my symptoms have all improved and I trust Elizabeth’s work. Our sessions revealed many physical and emotional problems that we work on together. I recommend her highly.”
