Vitamin D.....what studies are skewed

A large percentage of Americans has a Vitamin D deficiency and misinformation abounds because the physiology of Vitamin D absorption is not well understood by many doctors or research scientists or written about in the press. This article in the New York Times is an example, sadly, of erroneous information. VDR is a gene that makes the protein called VDR, which binds with RXR (or Vitamin A) and regulates DNA to direct mineral absorption and other processes, such as immune cells creation. Vitamin D regulates calcium absorption, but Vitamin K directs the calcium to the bones, and those low in K can have calcium buildup in joints and arteries. So, all of this is to say that Vitamin D supplements should be taken with Vitamin A and K to absorb the D. VDR pathways create T cells, support immune responses, and create neurotransmitters (which is why low D levels are associated with depression and anxiety.) Many can’t get their blood levels of D to increase because they don’t take these co-factors.

It is difficult to find a study on health benefits from Vitamin D supplementation that includes Vitamins K and A. And there are other co-factors in this VDR pathway– zinc and magnesium.And Vitamin K supplementation should include K1, K2-4 and K2-7. It’s convenient to disclaim the role of Vitamin D supplementation and rely on profit-making pharmaceuticals. But these vitamins have powerful effects on the system and should be studied in thorough ways, despite the lack of financial incentives.

Elizabeth Oriel