The Mysteries of Lime Oil and Other EO’s: Essential Oils for Methylation Support

The specter of MRSA and superbugs, which are resistant to antibiotics is one outcome of a simplified approach to disease in which one molecule or compound targets one or more bacteria. Plant medicine, which evolved alongside and in relationship with humans and other mammals, other plants, bacteria, fungi, and more works in quite a different fashion. Plants have secondary metabolites that function in multiple ways, and reflect the sophistication of millennia of coevolution.

 In my practice, I work with many single vitamins, minerals, amino acids and more to balance deep physiology and methylation pathways. I use many of these in concert with each other, as Vitamin D needs A, K and sometimes zinc and magnesium to assimilate and support the enzymes that drive the Vitamin D receptor. Yet, some supplements can diminish levels of other nutrients. For example, arginine supplements can deplete lysine in the body and lysine is needed to assimilate B6, which is crucial for methylation pathways.

 This is in part why I am now using plant essential oils for methylation balancing. I have found, for example, that lime oil (Citrus aurantifolia) can support the NOS pathway, COMT, and the detox pathways in the liver. In fact, limonene in lime oil, and also in lemon and orange oils, slightly inhibits Phase 1 detoxification and increases Phase 2, which protects against carcinogens released in Phase 1. Limonene also inhibits HGA CoA reductase, which accounts in part, for anti-tumor activity of this molecule.

 I love working with lime oil, and find that the psychological impacts of inhaling the scent are indistinct from the more physical benefits, as the mind/body/emotions are too interconnected to pull apart.