Beat Constipation with Minerals

Constipation can be stubborn and so aggravating!! I’ve dealt with this health issue myself and know the routine well. You can try more fiber, more water, more fruit, more probiotic and sometimes this helps for a short spell and then back to the same. No bowel movements. I find a lasting remedy is to balance minerals in the body.

 Digestion and elimination require adequate minerals to accomplish this crucial work. Not everyone will find relief with minerals, but for most, mineral imbalances are part of the equation. There’s a reason gut health is mentioned so frequently as the key to good immune system function, mood and general wellbeing. Most people, even if they have no digestive symptoms, have weakened intestinal health due to mineral deficiencies, stress, diet and toxic overload that is hard to avoid in our culture.

 How do I address clients’ mineral imbalances? I use muscle testing to determine which minerals are deficient, and to address any mineral toxicities. Which are common minerals that help resolve constipation? I often use zinc, which binds to enzymes in the stomach and is important for digestion and assimilation. Zinc also remove excess copper in the body which causes constipation. I also use manganese, which helps digest protein, amino acids and carbs. I also recommend  a vitamin, B5, pantothenic acid which is essential to break down carbs, fats, and proteins.. But I don’t recommend taking these without seeking advice about which are needed. A mineral complex is fine to support your body, but in terms of taking specific ones, I recommend you have a session with me and discover what you’re needing. Make an appointment!!