Oh mineral kingdom, in you resides our balance

Our crops are depleted of nutrients; our soils are depleted. Some farmers describe the soil as dead. In a 2014 Scientific American article, we have 60 harvests left. We all need more minerals and the lack of contributes to the mental health and chronic disease epidemics.

I find in myself and with clients, mineral supplements, like zinc, molybdenum, selenium, boron, and others help balance numerous health issues. Molybdenum is amazing at hormone imbalances, and boron also helps with hormones. Selenium helps with sleep issues, and can help with alcohol metabolism.

Magnesium is of huge benefit to the heart and circulation, nervous system, mood issues, spasms and muscle pain. And calcium helps maintain a healthy microbiome, though be cautious of what type you take. Calcium from marine plants is best.

If you want to get a handle on preventative medicine in your life, schedule a session with me. wingedrootshealing.com. I’m a kinesiologist, herbalist and homeopath and I can figure out what minerals you’re needing.