Sleepless in Portland

My 18-year-old son has been suffering from sleepless nights. At his tender age, becoming an adult, finishing high school and preparing for his next step away from home, this insomnia is a real issue. He can’t wake on time etc.

The remedy he needs (which I find through kinesiology) is boron and a mineral complex. Boron helps to cleanse the pineal gland, which regulates sleep and wake cycles. Our exposure to flouridated water, flouride in dental practices and toothpaste tends to clog the pineal gland and cause calcification. Rats fed a flouride-free diet had growth in their aging pineal glands. Boron is an antidote to flourine, and boron supplementation can aid the pineal gland from impacts of flouride, detoxing the gland.

When you take a single mineral, it is often best to also take a full mineral supplement, to maintain good levels in your body, while adding one specific one. If you’re wondering how your pineal gland is doing, make an appointment with me.