Corona virus and homeopathy

Have you ever had a rash or a terrible case of the flu and taken a homeopathic remedy, and in 30 minutes the symptoms are gone? Homeopathy can be like magic if you take the right remedy. And it’s so easy to ingest…little sugar pills under the tongue. The remedies work by turning on your immune system and vital force to bring balance back to the system. They work by “like cures like” …the accurate remedy is similar in symptoms to your own patterns, and so the remedy pushes your disease a little, waking up your own immunity to fight off infection or other issues.

Homeopathy has been incredibly effective in past epidemics. In the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, in one hospital in Pittsburgh, mortality with homeopathy was 1% and from western medicine was 30%. In the last 180 years, homeopathy has successfully helped most patients through their illness, relieving symptoms and restoring health more quickly than allopathic treatments.

How does this virus start? With a runny nose, sore throat, cough. These can be treated with remedies like Allium cepa, Aconite, Ferrum phos, and Belladonna. If you catch the patient early with these first stage remedies, they not come down with pneumonia. But, if they do, remedies to try, based on the patient’s mental, emotional, and physical symptoms are Antimonium tart, Bryonia, Phosphorus, Veratrum viride, Ipecac, Sulphur, Carbo veg, Pneumococcinum.

Contact me, Elizabeth Yeats for a homeopathic appt. I charge $100 for a 30–45 minute consult which includes a recommended constitutional remedy. A constitutional remedy boosts your immunity to help you face the corona virus or other acute illnesses. I can also find a remedy if you have the flu or corona virus.

Elizabeth Oriel