Another Strong Hedge Against Severe Coronavirus, Memory Issues, and more


In our corporate approach to healthcare, nutritional treatments for Covid19 are ignored to our peril. We opt for technological fixes, as in the urgent call for ventilators, which are last stitch efforts to save lives. The vast majority never come off, either because they pass away or they have to remain on a breathing machine. In a more balanced and less profit-driven society, all healthcare workers (at the very least) would be given nutritional supplements to protect them from viral replication while treating patients.

I’ve written about the benefits of NAC (n-acetyl cysteine) and vitamin C for Covid19, and today I discuss a nutritional support that I learned about from Dr. William Shaw of the Great Plains Laboratory.

In a similar mechanism to how the antimalarial drug chloroquine works, the nutritional supplement CDP-choline inhibits the molecule, phospholipase A2 (PLA2) which is responsible for coronavirus replication. PLA2 is the enzyme in venom from snake bites that triggers our immune response, and is also produced in by our immune systems. Highly inflammatory, this enzyme acts as a kind of detergent, breaking through cell membranes of invading microbes. Yet virus’s also utilize our own PLA2 immune response, allowing the virus to enter the cell and replicate. According to Dr. Shaw, PLA2 can travel through the blood stream, damaging organs, as in the organ failure in coronavirus. It is implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, MS, stroke, traumatic brain injury, rheumatoid arthritis and more.

Taking CDP-choline, which inhibits PLA2, has other notable benefits, such as improving memory and cognitive function, reducing inflammation that can contribute to cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis and more. It’s a no brainer, right now. Please contact me for a session to help determine your own nutritional needs.

Elizabeth Oriel